Father of the bride: Classical American drug 

I have always loved father of the bride I and II, it is a movie that picks on family relations of marriage and having children, the main character is a father very much attached to his lovely daughter and in love with his wife. The movie comes in to tingle those feelings of warmness, a need to find a partner, and breast feed a child.

But like most American family movies, one grows up and discovers that though so deeply innocent on the surface, telling us about ‘proper’ family structures, they are selling a lot of concepts that are catastrophic in real life especially when imposed on a global level. Concepts that rest at the hard core of global captilsim.

Firstly, the movie is about a white American Christian upper middle class family, with two children, reinforcing in the minds of the global audience that this is the image of happiness, one has to live in such a grand house in such a nieghbourhoods. So basically it’s selling this family, a family that can be on the cover of a magazine. Meanwhile any such formation in real life is practically senseless. 

Secondly, outbursts consemurism, grand weddings and lavishing baby rooms that are supposed to bring happiness to the characters of the film, and to the audience. 

Thirdly, irrealistic measurement of life’s tragedies, where the biggest problem is two women giving birth at the same time.

Fourth, kindly feel despressed and increase your narcissism, so that you may feel better for not being a part of this merry utopian lifestyle.

Fifth, lets co-produce father issues for your therapist to hear about.

Generally all I am saying is that one has an overdose of jolly family American movies and their imperialist messages. Same plots, logics, endings, hardly offering anything but numb tiny jolts of tingling, and a wish to look like the screen. And the problem is, personally I have gotten accustomed to this media that my mind likes the taste of these drugs, while still objecting to many of the images produced infront of it.
I was just looking at some Soviet Union movie posters, while American movies have engraved in my mind the idea that soviet propaganda is very clear and largely intolerable, it seems like Soviet cinema offered something quite different from the American plot we are so familiar now, atlas tu according to the posters, I am not arguing for the sack of Soviet cinema but rather wondering what other very different modes of Cinema we might have had if history took a slightly different turn during the last century. I might have wondered then how father of the bride would be!

The enforced study of western Humanities

So I was trying to watch a politics and morals class from Yale university online today, I have been considering a masters in law and politics, thought this would give me an idea.
The lecturer started the echimann problem, another case study about the holocust, reading half of the assigned reading I got bored, and watched the class. His whole point was that some countries might do illegal things yet they might be legitimate. Hooray to to the death of neutral education, and such a grand intro to politics. His other point was that criminals are normal people like us. I am not entering the idea of how double sided politicians are which is something I deeply despise.
The idea that killed me is the obvious lack of neutrality in all the online courses I am taking from US universities. A while ago while reading a book on the history of economics the writer said that one of the most important factors for the rise of neoliberism is that it was taught to students in universities. They teach you history economics and law just as they are. And seeing that you have no prior knowledge of the subject how on earth are you going to develop a different point of view. This is what is Happening with worldwide high education, especially in the field of humanities, if you get a masters in philosophy you can only find a good education in the university that would only teach u western philosophy. First world countries offer education to the world but at a very high prize, for example in another online course the only arguments about the paradoxes of war in one subject are only about World War I and II even though the course’s title is general. 
Education and intellectuality around the world are being controlled by first world scholars that show you only the western point of view, and the world only accepts you with that education. I don’t want to be a prisoner of western thought and philosophy and my dilemma rests at that exact point. The Mexican Ocatavio Paz said ‘we (The third world) never had a Kant, a Voltaire, a Diderot, or a hume’ the 21 century was imposed on the third world when it was not ready for it, coming from a society that never had the chance to grow, the least one can do is to never forget that every word said is up for critical arguments. Learn from them but never be them. Cheers to the beautiful nations of the third world.